Notice: The Lfant has exceeded its natural life span of twelve years and has been replaced by CANARI. These pages will no longer be updated.
- Jean Kieffer, Aurel Page and Damien Robert:
Computing isogenies from modular equations in genus two.
Journal of Algebra 666, 2025, pp. 331–386.
- Boris Adamczewski, Alin Bostan and Xavier Caruso:
A sharper multivariate Christol's theorem with applications to diagonals and Hadamard products.
HAL 4116793, 2025. - Jared Asuncion:
Computing the Hilbert Class Fields of Quartic CM Fields Using Complex Multiplication.
HAL 3210279, 2025. - Razvan Barbulescu:
(Non)practicabilité de l'algorithme classique-quantique de factorisation des entiers.
HAL 3483274, 2025. - Razvan Barbulescu:
Rigorous time bound for factoring with elliptic curves.
HAL 3485435, 2025. - Razvan Barbulescu, Nadia El Mrabet and Loubna Ghammam:
A taxonomy of pairings, their security, their complexity.
HAL 2129868, 2025. - Karim Belabas and Bernadette Perrin-Riou:
Symboles modulaires surconvergents et fonctions $L$ $p$-adiques.
HAL 3112844, 2025. - Xavier Caruso and Fabrice Drain:
Selfdual skew cyclic codes.
HAL 4127001, 2025. - Xavier Caruso and Antoine Leudière:
Algorithms for computing norms and characteristic polynomials on general Drinfeld modules.
HAL 4151171, 2025. - Élie Eid:
Computing isogenies between Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves of arbitrary genus via differential equations.
HAL 3142205, 2025. - Andreas Enge and Marco Streng:
Schertz style class invariants for quartic CM fields.
HAL 1377376, 2025. - Jean Kieffer:
Evaluating modular equations for abelian surfaces.
HAL 2971326, 2025. - David Lubicz and Damien Robert:
Linear representation of endomorphisms of Kummer varieties.
HAL 3204365, 2025. - Abdoulaye Maiga and Damien Robert:
Computing the Canonical Lift of Genus 2 Curves in Odd Characteristics.
HAL 3738314, 2025. - Abdoulaye Maiga and Damien Robert:
Towards computing canonical lifts of ordinary elliptic curves in medium characteristic.
HAL 3702658, 2025. - Damien Robert:
Evaluating isogenies in polylogarithmic time.
HAL 3943970, 2025. - Damien Robert:
Some applications of higher dimensional isogenies to elliptic curves.
HAL 3943973, 2025.